Training for UWEX Agents on Biological Systems Engineering Topics
BSE Boot Camp
When: Check back for updates.
Where: Check back for updates.
Speakers: Brian Luck, Scott Sanford, Doug Reinemann, John Shutske, Cheryl Skjolaas, Becky Larson, David Kammel, John Panuska, Jessica Drewry, and Brian Holmes
Register: Registration is closed.
Suggested Hotels: Check back for updates.
Topics to be covered:
When the Online Calculator Fails: A quick refresher in unit conversions and linear interpolation for solving common agricultural problems.
Manure Gas Monitoring Safety (Sand Separator Tour): Update on manure gas dangers in enclosed and non-enclosed spaces including new types of manure facilities, hands-on experience with gas monitors, and where electronic monitoring fits within the “Safety Hierarchy”.
Yield Monitor Calibration: A hands-on training session for yield monitor calibration.
Soil Moisture Measurement and Irrigation Scheduling: An introduction to soil water dynamics, the use of irrigation scheduling and tools to help with the calculations. Also the use of soil moisture sensors to supplement irrigation management.
Milking Parlor Management: How to retrieve, analyze, and use data from milking parlors to assess milking machine and worker performance.
Positive Pressure Tube (PPT) System Design: Introduce agents to the spreadsheet design tool and assess multiple scenarios for PPT Design.
Ag. Data Software Training for Soil Sampling Data Collection and Mapping: Work directly with AgLeader SMS to enter and map soil sample results.
Post-harvest Grain Drying and Storage: This session will look at the fundamentals of grain drying, how to reduce drying costs, and how to manage and condition grain in storage so that it maintains quality until it can be marketed.
Transition Cow Facility Design: Introduce agents to the use of several spreadsheets for planning cow groups in a transition cow facility design.
Robotic Milking Overview: Review of machines on the market, barn design considerations, and economics of robotic milking. Suggestions on the type of farms that make good and not-so-good prospects for success with robots.
Silage Storage and Leachate Considerations: Learn the importance of forage moisture content for making good silage and the basic guidelines for managing silage leachate and contaminated runoff to comply with current guidelines.
The Future of Agriculture (A 10,000 ft. View): Learn what we are learning and doing to help Ag. move toward being digitally-driven with data collected, processed and turned into decisions and action via big data, AI and automation.